Why should you start exercising?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) physical activity:

  • - Helps to maintain body weight and fat quality ratio and non-fat body mass (reducing subcutaneous fat and increases muscle mass and bone density)
  • - Leads to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat mass, which increases basal metabolism, ie daily energy consumption (slimming not only when you exercise, but when you are resting). Every pound of muscle burns 6 calories a day, while each pound of fat burns only 2 calories.
  • - Acting on the elimination of toxins from the body which helps in the fight against cellulite, obesity and maintaining good digestion
  • - Improves the quality of sleep
  • - A positive effect on depression as one of the most abundant modern diseases and reduces the negative effects of stress
  • - Improves concentration
  • - Reducing the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • - Has a positive effect on the respiratory system and all internal organs
  • - Reduced loss of brain tissue (which is responsible for better circulation in the brain), and it is especially important for the elderly and their independence

It also has positive effects on:

    - Problems with the musculoskeletal system (problems with the cervical and lumbar spine, joints and ligaments)
    - Prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease
    - Prevention of osteoporosis and bone fractures in the
    - Prevent the occurrence of some forms of malignancy, especially breast cancer and colon
   - Type II diabetes (non-insulin dependent), and the regular treatment of diabetes type I (insulin dependent)

Once an individual chooses the way of exercise that suits him best, it is important to exercise regularly and continuously (at least half an hour a day) and to conduct training to achieve all the desired effects.

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